From the desk
of the
Moms Association President
Stephanie Sikorski

Happy New Year!

Are you like me and marvel at how quickly time passes with each new year? Most days, I barely feel like I’ve gotten my feet under me, and suddenly, we are halfway through the school year, and I find myself thinking about my student and their future. It is an exciting time to parent a child at the University of Illinois. Whether this is your student’s senior year or their first year on campus, the UIUC experience is special.
Now that the calendar has turned to 2025, all the work and planning by the Moms Association is ramping up for a memorable Moms Weekend. I hope you plan to join us on campus from April 4 - 6, 2025, for a wonderful weekend chock full of opportunities to make lifelong memories. In addition to the planned special events, our organization's flagship event is the awards and scholarships we give at our Annual Meeting. You can find the scholarship portal and all event and ticket information on our website.
As a philanthropic association, the IL Moms Board Members take great joy in giving away these awards, and we hope you will encourage your students to apply. One of our favorite awards is the Mom of the Year Award. This is an opportunity for students to nominate their mother figure for the love, support, and encouragement that supports the student experience.
Because we know personally and desire to celebrate how vital a mother figure's support is to our children's overall success!
Lastly, I’d like to call you to action. If you are a mother of a University of Illinois student and would like to connect with our association, wish to support students and their families and value philanthropic efforts, we invite you to our Ambassador Program. IL Mom Ambassadors are passionate about evangelizing our association and supporting our mission through networking and volunteerism. To learn more about the Ambassador program, visit the Get Involved page on our website.
Please like and follow our social accounts to keep up with the IL Moms Association and please support our cookie sales and other events. All proceeds benefit our scholarship awards.
If you want to know more about the IL Moms, please contact me or any board member. Keep up the good work supporting your student and the University. Together, we are making a difference on campus for our community.
Stephanie Sikorski
President of the IL Moms Association